So I'm sitting here trying to (once again) absorb into my being, when to use 'who' or 'whom.' I hit this speed bump while reading the Mechanics chapter in Jack Hart's book, A Writer's Coach.
I stopped my reading after getting this sentence wrong, "Give the prize to whoever/whomever shows up first," (ans: whoever The "pronoun is the subject of the clause" not the "object of the preposition 'to'"). To better understand the reason, I went to a sentence diagramming website. There is not only a website about diagramming sentences, there are many of them. I chose the one by Gene Moutoux.
During this search to grok who/whom usage, my husband walked behind me and saw the sentence diagramming screen. "You find the damndest websites," he said. I guess websites about sentence diagramming aren't in his list of Favorites.